Übersetzung & Definition

an action: eine Aktion, eine Aktivität noun


  • "Bruno has decided not to take any disciplinary action for this massive error in judgment, however he has decided that you should undergo a mandatory session with me in HR for some pointers."
  • "I apologize for the delay in this action on my part."
  • "I'd like to highlight the following commendable actions"
  • "After right-clicking on an object, you have the option to perform many different actions."
  • "Your actions were unforgivable, and I have only one more thing to say to you."
  • "As far as the numerous traffic violations incurred by Mr. Marron, I can only suggest that the vast societal and cultural differences between his native country (France) and ours played a significant part in his actions."
  • "Please consider this letter as a formal demand for payment, following prolonged lack of action on your part."
  • "They're ready for action, all they need is my green light."
  • "Bruno : Actually Tinkerbell has something else in mind for this evening... a little "action"... if you know what I mean."
  • "Bruno : Actually, Tinkerbell has something else in mind for this evening - a little "action"... if you know what I mean."

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