Übersetzung & Definition

delicate: delikat, empfindlich adjective


  • "Whenever a delicate question is asked, or one which you can't or don't want to answer, feel free to tactfully decline a response."
  • "As her delicate hands served each dish, each more exquisite than the last, my mind started to wander and I began to imagine a future with Betty by my side, maybe even as my wife..."
  • "As her delicate hands served each dish, each more exquisite than the last, my mind started to wander and I began to imagine a future with Betty by my side, maybe even as my wife."
  • "Foie Gras is a delicate dish, it's meant to be savored."
  • "Also I could really use your advice about something a little delicate."
  • "They're good at things that don't involve the delicate art of seduction."
  • "I've got a bit of a delicate problem on my hands, Brian."
  • "Politics is a delicate topic of conversation in the United States."
  • "Susie : Well, it can be difficult for Americans to follow such delicate issues."
  • "Horatio : It is a little delicate..."

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