
an expert: a specialist, a professional noun
expert: accomplished, professional adjective
  • "I would be remiss if I did not mention that this company retreat will include team-building exercises led by an expert from the FunFactory Consulting Squadron."
  • "Icarus : I used to think the same thing until I learned that, sometimes, the combined knowledge of lots of people is better than the knowledge of a few experts."
  • "And now, without further ado, I'd like to present tonight's main event - our expert camel panel, who will answer all your questions about our favorite mammal, the camel."
  • "Joining us today are two "experts" on the subject."
  • "After complaining about the weather for half an hour, she told me that she recently handed over a cheque for £90,000 to a "nice young man", and that in exchange he promised to re-plaster the ceiling in her sitting room. I'm no expert on re-plastering, but this seems like a rather large sum of money."
  • "Surely in this case, an expert's opinion is more important?"
  • "To smell just right, there's a huge range of scents to choose from. Our fragrance expert at Vague magazine is here to help you choose from 3 of the best."
  • "Who do you think comes closer: the expert who's worked with cows all his life;"
  • "Hannah : The expert?"
  • "Innovative financial expert adept at building enterprise value"

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