
a step: a pace, a stride; a stair; an action, a procedure noun
to step (on): to walk, to tread, to put one's foot (on) verb
  • "The point is that I have big plans for this company - we are going to make an exclusive line of perfumes for babies, and naturally the first step is baby testing."
  • "Step 2: Changing a national anthem is very disturbing to the people."
  • "I didn't realise till I'd already stepped onto the runway!"
  • "Please let me know what steps you will take to remove this material within 15 working days of the date you received this letter."
  • "Here are the 4 GOLDEN STEPS to receive the compensation you probably deserve"
  • "There are 5 main steps to becoming a better leader."
  • "Robot : Step 2..."
  • "Robot : Which conveniently brings us to Step 3: Do not have sexual relations with your cabinet, literally or figuratively."
  • "Despite these steps, the server is still on its death bed."
  • "Step 1: Don't kill so many people."

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