Traduction et définition

to go out (in the street, with someone): sortir (dans la rue, avec qq'un) verb
I went out last night. Je suis sorti hier soir.
Let's go out for a drink Allons prendre un verre.
I didn't know they were going out. Je ne savais pas qu'ils sortaient ensemble.
(The light) has gone out: (La lumière) s'est éteinte verb


  • "Announcer : The power has gone out in your home or office and you can't see in the dark."
  • "Your mission for the week, should you choose to accept it: go out and buy an item in each of the stores described."
  • "Kid A : Hey lady, do you want to go out with me?"
  • "Sorry that we've never been out on a date."
  • " know...go out...socially."
  • "Put it on when you're out with your mates"
  • "Go out to the park, and leave your phone at home!"
  • "I was even on the verge of quitting, when one night I heard the voice of my daddy say to me: "Son, you need to go out and make some friends"."
  • "So I say to all the entrepreneurs gathered here tonight, go out there and network with as many people as you can."

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