Traduction et définition

to loan (someone an apartment): prêter (un appartement à quelqu'un) verb
a loan (from a bank): un prêt (bancaire) noun
(a book) on loan from (the library): (un livre) en prêt de, emprunté à (la bibliothèque) idiom

UK: I needed a huge student loan to pay for my university studies.
US: Could you loan me your dog this weekend?


  • "I have your loan applications right here, and if you look at the section marked 7b, you can see that the interest rates increase at the current market rate."
  • "Sam : Well, it's all there Bruno, I assure you, with your signature at the bottom. It seems that you did actually agree to the terms of the loans when you signed seven years ago."
  • "I suppose I'm stuck with the terms of these loans until they're completely paid off."
  • "A million dollar loan..."
  • "You are unlikely to be lent any more money and you may not be able to transfer your existing loan from one home to another."
  • "Listen, I just got your message and I'd like to set up a time to discuss those loans."
  • "Without a million dollar loan"
  • "If you were to consolidate your loans now with a fixed rate, you'd be paying more interest than you are with your variable rate."
  • "Sam : You're concerned about the interest rates on your outstanding loans."
  • "We have your laboratory surrounded by a team of 300 highly trained military operatives, 50 ninjas on loan from a sushi restaurant, 17 Apache helicopters and 3 cats that followed us here."

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