Traduction et définition

to send out (a message): émettre, expédier (un message) verb
to send out labor (to another country): externaliser, sous-traiter idiom


  • "Brian : Oh, so you've been sending out free samples without written authorisation?"
  • "The coast guard was notified immediately afterwards, and sent out both helicopters and rescue boats."
  • "We would like to talk about the global relocation email you sent out."
  • "Susie : International subcontracting, on the other hand, is when a company sends out to another country for its products or services."
  • "Susie : International outsourcing is when a company sends out to another country for its products or services."
  • "In the future, you should ask someone to proofread any application letters you may send out, and make your tone more formal."

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