Tradução & Definição

a crew: uma equipe, um time, uma tripulação noun
the flight crew, the cabin crew: a tripulação de voo, de um avião ou navio idiom


  • "I am currently swimming 20,000 leagues under the sea, as a member of the crew of the USS Calypso."
  • "(We are here to serve you, so please don't hesitate to ask our crew for anything you need to make this flight more comfortable."
  • "Pilot : Flight crew, prepare for landing."
  • "This here is going to be your crew for the thing we're gonna do tomorrow."
  • "I am Dr. Bruno Delavigne, and this is my crew."
  • "Then I assembled a crew of adventurers."
  • "On behalf of the entire flight crew, we would like to thank you once again for choosing English Airlines, and we wish you a pleasant stay in London, or wherever your travels may take you."
  • "During the booking process, passengers can select the cabin crew for their flight, based on photos and body measurements."

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