Tradução & Definição

nature: a natureza noun
(someone's) nature: a natureza de alguém, o caráter noun


  • "Though I won't divulge the destination yet, I can tell you that we will find ourselves confronted with man's ancient enemy: Nature."
  • "That's from noon to 2pm. Then on Wednesday there's a shark documentary on the Nature Channel that I absolutely must not miss!"
  • "My PC contains files that are of a sex - sex - sensitive nature!"
  • "I understand that these are serious charges which affect the good citizens of San Francisco, and that the nature of these offenses should not be taken lightly."
  • "This success is a testament to the solid nature of our business model, the flawless implementation of our strategies, the hard work of our staff, and the excellent quality of our products."
  • "Unfortunately, it's not good news: I've had several complaints about the provocative nature of our posters."
  • "That harrowing experience gave me a new perspective on the nature of my own life, and how I want to spend the rest of it."

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Mais testemunhos.