Tradução & Definição

(on your) right: (à sua) direita noun
You'll find the bus stop on your right as you exit the building. Você vai encontrar o ponto de ônibus à sua direita, ao sair do edifício.
(on your) left: (à sua) esquerda noun
Take a left after the stop light. Vire à esquerda após o semáforo.


  • "(Drive on the left)"
  • "Hop in it and take it about two miles down the trail, and then you'll see the guesthouse on your right."
  • "You just go down that corridor, past the water cooler, and the toilets are on your left."
  • "We drive on the left"
  • "Conductor : On your left you can see the Charles River, named after King Charles I of England."
  • ""Accounts Receivable" on the left, and "Accounts Payable" on the right, but now they're all mixed together."
  • "More importantly, coming up on your left is Fenway Park, home of the 2007 World champions of baseball, the Boston Red Sox!"
  • "The Queen : So, on the left is the tea room. It's where we take our tea!"
  • ""Accounts Receivable" on the left, and "Accounts Payable" on the right, but now they're all mixed together."
  • "And on the right is the dining room, where we take our dinner."

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