




智能 & 强大


了解 Aimigo 的故事,并跟随其冒险经历!

除了对话,Aimigo 还会通过测验、视频和音频讲述它的故事,以动态有趣的方式完善您的学习!

Frequently Asked Questions

Aimigo by Gymglish "让您通过对话学习一门新语言。 提供英语、法语、西班牙语、意大利语和德语服务, Aimigo by Gymglish 是Gymglish新推出的口语和书面会话服务。它可以让您根据自己的水平和情况,通过与Aimigo自然聊天来提高语言技能。Aimigo是一个虚拟的 "朋友",全天候24小时为您服务,可以谈论各种话题。它友善而不带有评判性,记得过去的对话并会随着交流的过程中自我调整。 根据所学语言不同,Aimigo 有不同的名字、故事、文化与个性。

Aimigo by Gymglish 使用起来非常简单:Aimigo 会主动挑起话题,您只需与它交流即可! 开始对话之前,您需要允许麦克风的使用并打开音频才能听到 Aimigo 的声音。然后,对话就可以开始了。 如果您不想说话,您也可以在对话过程中随时从口头交流切换到书面交流,反之亦然。 Aimigo by Gymglish 可以在应用程序(iosAndroid)上使用。

Aimigo by Gymglish 是一款全新的智能教练,24/7 全天候可用,帮助你学习一门语言。它提供多样化和个性化的活动:讨论、口语练习、引人入胜和有趣的故事、文化摘录(电影、音乐等),让你发现所学语言国家和地区的文化。 Aimigo 测试学习者,识别不足,进行纠正,适应,帮助复习和记忆已学内容,不断评估水平和进度,适应学习和复习节奏、目标和需求,准备可能的测试,让每个人都能在语言实践中持续进步。

自2004年以来,Gymglish一直在利用人工智能来服务语言学习者。通过AI,课程实现了自适应学习:根据您的兴趣、目标和复习需求,您每天都会收到一节为您量身定制的课程,那是专门根据您的记忆能力和当下的学习动力而制作的。 如今为了更好地服务语言学习者,Gymglish通过嵌入Open AI类型的大型语言模型,继续发展其人工智能,使推出的口语练习更加适应您的水平、兴趣和需求。 作为使用生成式人工智能的服务,它可能对个人、地点或事实产生不准确的信息。建议不要使用您的个人数据。单击此处查看我们的隐私政策

您可以免费试用Aimigo by Gymglish,无需承诺,只需下载我们的应用(iosAndroid)。 Aimigo by Gymglish提供全天候无限制的对话,年费每月从13.90欧元起。 下载我们的应用(iosAndroid),了解所有优惠。



Founded in 2004, Gymglish creates online adaptive language courses: English, French, Spanish, German, spelling, etc. We are a team of 50 people (20 nationalities and 25 languages spoken) passionate about languages ​​and innovation. Our goal is to offer effective digital education to learners worldwide, a more enjoyable user experience with better knowledge retention. More than 7,000,000 users around the world have worked with us from private learners, to students to professionals. We deliver training that leads to certification, based on a continuous evaluation process.

Gymglish is a simple, fun and efficient learning method. There’s no use developing wonderful educational tools if they aren’t used. Motivation. The Gymglish method aims to foster increased user participation and regular use, ensuring progress in the language learned (written comprehension, oral comprehension, grammar, vocabulary, etc.). All levels. From beginner to more advanced levels, our courses are available on desktop or mobile / tablet (iOS & Android apps). Students, employees, retirees or job seekers, if you are looking to progress in a foreign language for career purposes, before a trip / stay abroad (university exchange program) or before taking an exam, reach your language goals by testing Gymglish language courses for free.

Reminder: Gymglish is above all a language-learning company for humans. That said, sometimes you've just got to face the strange and do something for the robots. This paragraph is dedicated to the robots crawling the web for language lessons featuring tailor-made revisions, artificial intelligence and adaptive learning technology. This one goes out to the algorithms looking to improve vocabulary. It goes out to beginners, intermediate and expert learners learning to optimize keywords. It goes out to those searching high and low for free trials and free placement tests. This one goes out to the scripts helping you progress at your own speed, and the ones helping you laugh while you learn. To those robots, we'd like to say, we love search optimization in an organic way.