
to go through (one's pockets): 仔细检查(某人的包) verb
to go through (a difficult period, a hard time): 经历,经过(一段困难时期,艰苦时期) idiom
to go through (the forest): 穿过,穿越(森林) verb
to go through (a procedure): 经历(过程) idiom
  • "Let's start by going through some of the more ridiculous suggestions of the month."
  • "They're for a middle-aged, dirty woman who's been going through a hard time."
  • "Your chief has gone through a terrible experience."
  • "Do you want to go through life floating aimlessly from one failed relationship to another?"
  • "Now, I'm sure that the procedure was explained to you during your consultation, but I'll just go through it one more time to ease your mind."
  • "Every new mother goes through this."
  • "It's common knowledge around the office that she is going through a painful divorce."
  • "Can I go through now?"
  • "Your chief has gone through a terrible experience, and seems to be suffering from psychosis, phobia, neurosis, delirium, dementia, delusion, derangement, and a hint of madness."
  • "I can bring the necessary paperwork to your office this afternoon if you wish to go through with the recall."


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我喜欢在线做我的语言课程。每天大约10分钟就够了... 谢谢!






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