
a policy: 政策,方针 noun
There's a no-smoking policy in the office. 在办公室不允许抽烟。
Our policy is to hire the most qualified individuals. 我们的方针是雇佣最有任职资格的人员。
an insurance policy 保险政策
注意:在其他一些语言中,"politics"(通常为political life)翻译出来的意思和policy相同。因此,有必要区分policy(具体的方针政策,一般用于特定目的)和politics(与政府的关系更密切,一般指总体政策方向)。
The senator's anti-terrorism policy is very controversial. 这位参议员的反恐政策具有极大的争议。
The politics of our president are quite right-wing. 总统推行极右政策。
company policy: 公司政策,公司方针 noun

UK: Our company provides insurance policies to cover all risks.
US: The government's new education policy is unpopular.
  • "In the meantime, government researchers across Britain are waiting to see the effectiveness of this new policy."
  • "When you absolutely must fire an employee, it must be for just cause: a clear violation of company policy."
  • "Helpful hints: informal guideline to Delavigne Corp's customer service policy"
  • "The record turnover is mainly due to an aggressive discount policy implemented by Delavigne's Head of Sales, Philip Cheeter."
  • "In response to your request, however, we cannot mail you a comprehensive listing of all of our fragrance ingredients because it is against company policy."
  • "Brian : Well it's against company policy, but just this once..."
  • "At the same time, Philip developed a talent for sales while travelling door to door with his father and selling first hot dogs, then toasters, and eventually insurance policies."
  • "If not, just have fun reading the official hiring policy document when it arrives."
  • "I'm sorry, but it's just company policy."
  • "I'm sure you've all had one or more of these interviews in the past, but company policy states that I have to give you a brief synopsis."



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