Traduction et définition

awful: affreux, abominable, horrible adjective
an awful lot of (problems): énormément de (problèmes) adjectiveidiom
There's an awful lot of tourists here in the summer. Il y a énormément de touristes ici en été.

UK: This wine tastes awful. I think it's corked.
US: I have an awful lot of money.


  • "Philip (reading) : Dear Brian Jones, I am here to apologize for all of the awful things I have said and done to you in the past."
  • "Bruno's dad : Yeah, it's awful!"
  • "(So awful)"
  • "Philip : Dear Brian Jones, I am here to apologize for all of the awful things I have said and done to you in the past."
  • "Icarus : Awful."
  • "Because our food is so awful"
  • "She's so awful that just the sight of her makes people scream. When I pick her up, people run out of the room. In my hands, this instrument can do more damage than a bazooka!"
  • "That song was truly awful."
  • "Only a man would take you to such an awful place."
  • "Brian : That sounds... well, just awful!"

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