Traducción & Definición

an artist: un artista noun


  • "Highlights include a slow-motion video of the artist giving birth, and a sculpture of an electric chair made entirely out of egg boxes."
  • "Cheeter, aspiring artist"
  • "Can you believe that our Philip has become an artist?"
  • "I was at the art show last night, and I was very impressed by the work of one artist – Pierre Plazbo."
  • "The artist's work is modern, uncompromising and sometimes shocking."
  • "I am an artist!"
  • "When you look at the paintings, remember to ask yourself: What is the artist trying to achieve?"
  • "Susie : Bruno, Edward wants to know which artist designed the Delavigne logo."
  • "Should any submissions be accepted for the ad, a waiver must be signed by the artist giving the company rights to feature it."
  • "You're a wonderful artist."

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