Traducción & Definición

a (business) operation: una operación (comercial) noun


  • "Hundreds of western corporations are outsourcing call center operations, non-strategic engineering work, textile production and more to developing countries."
  • "CEO/Director of Operations"
  • "The transition costs of offshore operations are greatly outweighed by the long term savings which outsourcing provides."
  • "Wang Industries is the Shanghai-based parent company for a number of successful Chinese operations, mainly industrial companies, though Wang is diversifying his holdings rapidly."
  • "More importantly, this month we are conducting our business operations in song, so please make sure to sing in tune!"
  • "I have some rather, um, sensitive operations that require a certain discretion, if you know what I mean?"
  • "Head of retail operations"
  • "I would like to sincerely thank you for the time that you spent with me last Thursday, briefing me on your company's background and operations, and interviewing me for the position of Laboratory Assistant at the Delavigne Corporation's head offices."
  • "I don't like the idea of involving a third party in our business operations."

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