Traducción & Definición

to call (someone) in: llamar (a alguien), hacer entrar (a alguien) verb
We have to call in an expert. Debemos llamar a un experto.


  • "Brent : Candy, we've heard that the National Guard has been called in to help the evacuation effort."
  • "The Serious Fraud office has been called in, and, although they haven't officially announced their findings yet, the Sunday Roast has THE scoop: it appears that Leeson had been netting huge losses on unauthorised deals, and falsifying information to cover up his failures."
  • "I did call you in here to invite you to London, but I only have one extra ticket."
  • "Monique : Please fill out these forms, and have a seat in the waiting room. The nurse will call you in shortly."
  • "Get up on the bed and I'll call the nurse in."
  • "The last time something like this happened, he called in an expert lawyer to help me get my life back to normal."
  • "Narrator : In the cutthroat world of business negotiations, the Delavigne sales department has called in the help of a very special employee."

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