Traducción & Definición

to conduct (an interview, an orchestra): llevar a cabo, conducir, dirigir (una entrevista, una orquesta) verb
To conduct oneself Comportarse
To conduct an interview Llevar a cabo un entrevista
Your conduct (is unacceptable!): ¡Su conducta, comportamiento (es inaceptable)! noun
(iron) conducts electricity: (el hierro) conduce la electricidad

UK: I will be conducting this interview via telephone.
US: Young man, your conduct is unacceptable.


  • "He was here earlier conducting a training session."
  • "Susie : Yes actually - I'm conducting a few final interviews with marketing candidates."
  • "Brent : Stay tuned, everyone: in the next segment we'll meet a dog who conducts electricity!"
  • "More importantly, this month we are conducting our business operations in song, so please make sure to sing in tune!"
  • "And finally, to the author of the suggestion about the "cute little cashier", I suggest that you read pages 5 through 7 of your "Employee Code of Conduct" (see the section marked "Sexual Harassment")."
  • "This means that when looking at resumes or conducting interviews, the Delavigne Corporation DOES NOT take the following factors into account: Gender, age, race, sexual orientation, religion, disabilities."
  • "A recent survey carried out at Kingston University has shown that an alarming 56% of managers who conduct interviews fail to recognize what constitutes an improper interview question."
  • "A comprehensive inspection of your premises was conducted by myself in the presence of Mr. Horatio Oléré (Head of R&D) and Mr. Brian Jones (Laboratory Assistant) on Monday August 31."
  • "You could use these as the starting point for a discussion with your staff who conduct interviews."

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