Traducción & Definición

to count: contar, enumerar; incluir; importar verb
Not counting distant cousins, there are 40 people in my family. If you include them there are over 500! Sin contar los primos lejanos, mi familia está compuesta por 40 personas. ¡Si se los incluye suman más de 500!
to count on someone: contar con alguien idiom
You can count on me. I told you that you can rely on me if you need anything. Cuente conmigo. Le dije que puede confiar en mí si necesita algo.
a (medal) count: un recuento (de medallas) noun


  • "Well I guess I'll just have to count them. This is my favorite part of the job!"
  • "Lotsa Medals : Well, Brent, I'm not sure those are everyone's concerns, but after one week of competition, Germany leads the medal count with 9 medals: 3 gold, 4 silver and 2 bronze, closely followed by the US and France with 8 and 7 total medals respectively."
  • "Icarus : Umm, if you really want to know, I'm counting my paper-clips."
  • "Icarus : Well, on December 12th, 1983, I forgot to count them and my mother left me."
  • "I set the device to count the bottles are leaving the warehouse."
  • "Icarus : Oh I just thought I'd have a look around, you know, count some perfume bottles, that sort of thing."
  • "Perhaps it would be quicker if you used this device to count the perfumes - the workers call it the "stock counter"."
  • "Icarus : 4.63 times as much in fact, not counting your monthly bonuses."
  • "Campaigning for the environment, counting money."
  • "Loincloths do not count as clothing."

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