Traducción & Definición

a country: un país, una nación noun
Atención con el plural: countries
a developing country un país en vías de desarrollo
(my parents live in) the country: (mis padres viven en) el campo noun


  • "Today, as my personal assistant Brian Jones and I explored this city and talked to the native people, I was struck by the differences between our two countries."
  • "For god's sake, this is a civilised country!"
  • "From giant purple egg was born mother country of Kalackistan, then other minor countries like USA, and Belarus and Zimbabwe."
  • "I didn't even know there was a country called Kalackistan."
  • "Tension in this country is high - riots, protests, and angry tea drinking seem inevitable."
  • "Customs Agent : Did you bring cheese, vegetables or animals into the country?"
  • "From giant purple egg was born mother country of Kalackistan, then other minor countries like USA, and Belarus and Zimbabwe."
  • "Youri say that Kalack country was created when giant salamander Bourishnakov make kisses and sexy time with Yabadev the Cruel."
  • "But though our countries are separated by the Atlantic, there is a strong bond which unites all of us in this room;"
  • "the zoo country."

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