Traducción & Definición

to download: descargar verb
a download: una descarga noun


  • "Digital downloads and CDs aren't killing off the traditional vinyl album, and it seems that the Internet is actually safeguarding its future."
  • "You have full access to the internet but will be unable to download files on to your computer."
  • "Internet piracy, which involves file sharing and unauthorized downloading of copyrighted material, may be made illegal in several European countries."
  • "Downloads should stay free and legal."
  • "Hannah : Well, I believe that the government is entitled to make downloads illegal."
  • "It's the new anti-theft "app" that I downloaded this morning."
  • "Though next time you download from the internet, I suggest you use a USB key."
  • "If the anti-piracy legislation is passed, government agencies will be tracking IP addresses, monitoring our downloads, maybe even reading our emails!"
  • "Perhaps you are a purist and limit yourself to downloading pornography and heavy metal music, however whether you are podcasting vegan recipes or ranting about Venezuelan foreign policy on a message board, it seems clear that the Web has become less of an occasional tool than a full-time distraction."
  • "Then again I download a lot of por... porcupine... porcupine documentaries!"

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