Traducción & Definición

to get (impatient): ponerse, comenzar a estar (impaciente) idiom
He's getting nervous. Se está poniendo nervioso.
I'm getting hungry. Estoy empezando a tener hambre.


  • "How can I help you get rich quick?"
  • "For me, getting older is not a cause for celebration but rather a cause for existential pain."
  • "These are called "get rich quick schemes"."
  • "So, my Christmas message this year is simple: people of Britain, no matter how bad the economy gets, please don't occupy Buckingham Palace."
  • "Once you get used to the smell it gets easier."
  • "Sorry Jean, but you're going to have to find another way to get rich."
  • "I'm just trying to help you get rich."
  • "Once you get used to the smell, it gets easier."
  • "Your mission for this week, should you choose to accept it: Don't be fooled by "get rich quick schemes"."
  • "- A typical "get rich quick scheme"."

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