Traducción & Definición

to get started: comenzar, debutar verb
let's get started: ¡Comencemos!, ¡Empecemos! idiom


  • "Let's now get started by locating our root chakras."
  • "Let's get started! Nurse!"
  • "Ludwig : Good, now let's get started."
  • "Why don't you have Brian make the reservations for you, and we can get started on your speech after lunch?"
  • "Let's get started. Today, we're going to talk about dates."
  • "Let's get begin please."
  • "If you'll follow me, I'll give you a quick tour of the offices and you can get started with your new job."
  • "Before we get started, I'd like to remind you that tomorrow's activities include camel boxing, camel racing, and of course the camel swimsuit competition!"
  • "Let's get started, Bruno has parted."

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