Traducción & Definición

the government: el gobierno noun


  • "In an unlikely turn of events, an American tourist has peacefully overthrown the Peacenikland government and crowned himself "King and all-round awesome leader" of the country."
  • "Examples: "The government sent a letter of apology after destroying the village by drone strike."
  • "We'll need an unstable government, possibly with a dictator."
  • "You with the government?"
  • "Founder and CEO Harold Percy Warbuckle is the driving force behind these changes, and realizes that in today's world, governments don't effect change, billionaires do."
  • "I am comfortable in high-pressure situations, and I work well both independently and within a team. In addition to my secretarial and research skills, I am an experienced event planner, having arranged Bingo Night for three consecutive years, one of the government's most popular evenings."
  • "Philip : My god, you take the fun out of government."
  • "I'm sure they already have a stable government."
  • "Philip : Her family's really into government."
  • "they control the media, the global economy, the press, the government, the weather and the menu at the Delavigne cafeteria."

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