Traducción & Definición

(I'd like to ask you a question), if I may: Si me lo permite, (me gustaría preguntarle algo) idiom


  • "Techie : Sir, if I might be so bold as to suggest you hire an IT consultant, Know-It-All Tech Solutions would be happy to send you one..."
  • "I'd quite like to get a closer look at the product if I may."
  • "Philip, if I may ask, what on Earth is going on?"
  • "Luna : Mr. Feltchenheimer, I'd like to ask you a few questions, if I may."
  • "Samantha : If I may, sir, camels are amazing animals, and I am currently in a serious relationship with one, but there is no way that a camel could replace a human being at a highly-skilled office job!"
  • "Samantha : If I may, sir, camels are amazing animals, and I am currently in a serious relationship with one, but there is no way that a camel could replace a human being at a highly skilled office job!"

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