Traducción & Definición

low: bajo, débil adjective
Our prices are very low. Nuestros precios son muy bajos.
to lower: bajar, disminuir, reducir verb


  • "Retailers are starting to realize that it is better to sell low than not sell at all."
  • "While you're here, though, we could talk about lowering your pay."
  • "I can tell why morale is so low."
  • "In my mind, a birthday is no different than a funeral - both events indicate that you are moving closer to being lowered into the ground."
  • "Lower... lower... lower...higher!"
  • "Salaries and rent prices are reasonable and the corporate taxes are a lot lower than in Australia."
  • "It highlighted the increased attention on corporations who depend on cheap or illegal labor sources to lower production costs."

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