Traducción & Definición

(to make) a mistake: (cometer) un error, una falta noun
I made a huge mistake yesterday. Ayer cometí un gran error.
to mistake: confundirse, errar verb
I'm sorry Susie, I mistook you for Polly. Lo siento Susie, te confundí con Polly.

Este verbo es irregular:
I mistake / I mistook / I have mistaken

UK: I made a huge mistake yesterday.
US: I always mistake Susie for Polly on the phone.


  • "There must have been a mistake."
  • "He complained of "intense pancake syndrome", "lazy eyebrows" and a "chocolate mistake"."
  • "Mistake 3: Always pay your clowns!"
  • "Have you murdered, imprisoned or tortured loyal subjects by mistake or on a whim?"
  • "Brian : Well, in my opinion, you made three mistakes..."
  • "Edward : There appears to be a mistake in the bill."
  • "Folks, we've all made mistakes like this at one point or another, so let's reserve judgment until we have all the facts."
  • "I've made a terrible mistake."
  • "Mistake 1: Magic mushrooms and juggling don't mix."
  • "Mistake 2: You should never force lions to wear rollerblades."

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