Traducción & Definición

the population: la población noun


  • "Australia's population is about 22 million, and our capital city is Canberra."
  • "Boston is also known for its large population of Irish and Italian immigrants!"
  • "After all, you deserve the best treatment that only a very wealthy sub-section of the population can afford."
  • "Despite making up only 2% of the world's population, the Japanese account for one fifth of skin care sales."
  • "Mr. Wang : Then you know that China represents 20 percent of the world's population."
  • "The world's oldest population is also one of the wealthiest, and they're ready to spend money on looking younger."
  • "New York City: the homeless population has risen to a record level: over 300,000 people are sleeping in the streets."
  • "The most contagious (and potentially fatal) strain of the virus, called H5N1, has the potential to decimate the global bird population."
  • "We have a North Island and a South Island, our population is around 4.3 million, and our capital city is Wellington."
  • "With around 20% of the British population currently falling into the "obese" category, and a further 40% being classified as "overweight", the government decided a change was necessary."

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