Traducción & Definición

a potato: una patata noun
Atención con el plural: potatoes
Scientists believe that the potato plant originally came from the Andes. Archeological evidence suggests that humans have cultivated the potato for at least 7,000 years. Los científicos creen que la planta de patata proviene de los Andes. Según las investigaciones arqueológicas, el hombre cultiva patata desde hace al menos 7.000 años.


  • "I say tomato, you say tomato, I say potato, you say potato, but ironically enough I don't understand a word you're saying."
  • "Or what about the Irish potato famine?"
  • "Potato, "pohtato", tomato, "tomahto", let's call the whole thing off."
  • "Potato soup"
  • "Potatoes and snails and mustard"
  • "Day 3 : Our tasks include washing dishes, peeling potatoes, and having our spirit slowly crushed by the inexorable passing of time."
  • "Rump steak with beetroot purée, sautéed potatoes, and sage fritters"

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