Traducción & Definición

real: real, verdadero, auténtico adjective


  • "The possibility of a Brexit - an exit for Britain from the European Union - is very real, and frankly I'm scared."
  • "At night, to survive becomes a real challenge."
  • "My classmates and I are taking a huge step forward today, ready to take the leap from high school into the "real world"."
  • "Real life profile"
  • "In the real world, relationships like hers don't exist."
  • "A real pleasure to meet you!"
  • "And I'd just like to say that the complex theoretical algorithms that I learned in your calculus and trigonometry classes will help me every day in the real world, I'm sure of it."
  • "Brian May says I've got a real head for business, and Freddie Mercury says I have an arse that won't quit."
  • "Bruno : Ladies and Gentlemen, it's a real pleasure to be with you here in London."

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