Traducción & Definición

a talk: una conversación, una charla, una discusión noun
to talk (about): hablar (de, sobre algo) verb


  • "Sorry for staring when you talk to me."
  • "Anyway, you have not come here to talk about my sex life, or lack thereof."
  • "I screamed at him to stop, and said "you son of a bitch", which is technically true, but my client thought I was talking to him!"
  • "Today, as my personal assistant Brian Jones and I explored this city and talked to the native people, I was struck by the differences between our two countries."
  • "Warbuckle : I was talking to the horse!"
  • "Bob the Brit : You're no gangster, Corsican, you're just a big talking wise guy!"
  • "If you've just tuned in, we're talking to 'Sleepless in Seattle'"
  • "Voiceover : Finally, there's a talking shark at the beach, and he looks hungry!"
  • "Al Capone : Are you talking to me?"
  • "Horatio (shark) : I am a talking shark!"

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