Traducción & Definición

whisky: el whisky noun


  • "Dear Nessie, please grant us the flexibility to stretch our limbs with the fluidity of a single malt whiskey."
  • "Marlene : Here's my first joke: a kangaroo walks into a bar and asks for a whiskey."
  • "I'll take two whiskies: one for me, and one for my horse."
  • "Two more whiskies, please!"
  • "Here you go: two whiskies."
  • "Two more whiskies, please."
  • "Five more whiskies."
  • "I thought you might be thirsty, so I've prepared a selection of fine whiskies."
  • "I'm leaving to pursue my love of whisky full time."
  • "We do have a wide selection of beverages: red wine, white wine, vodka, whiskey, cognac, apple juice, orange juice, ginger ale, soda, even Fresca."

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