Traducción & Definición

wood: madera; bosque noun
a wooden table una mesa de madera
the forest el bosque


  • "I recently had guests visit me, and I was quite embarrassed to have to apologize to them about the state of my bathroom. Explaining the large pieces of wood and plaster lodged in the toilet and sink was particularly difficult."
  • "Jonas : Umm. Cars, mobile phones, paper products, chemicals, steel and wood... that sort of thing."
  • "Brian : Or a piece of wood!"
  • "Hannah : Ok, I was about four years old I think, and I was lost in the woods."
  • "Brian : ...or a piece of wood..."
  • "( Bruno and Horatio emerge from the woods )"
  • "I have a small bed made of feathers and wood."
  • "But the microfiche is in my wood"
  • "Betty : They're playing in the woods."

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