Traducción & Definición

a credit card: una tarjeta de crédito noun


  • "If you downgrade, we'll refund your credit card for $2500 - the difference between economy and business airfare."
  • "I just booked a plane ticket to Hong Kong using my personal credit card."
  • "I'm sorry, sir, we don't take credit cards."
  • "Bruno : Eh... I'll pay by credit card please."
  • "In this case, they want your credit card details so that they can buy things using your PlasterCard!"
  • "In order to reactivate your PlasterCard, it is essential that you confirm your credit card information below"
  • "I just wanted to check something: my CVV code is the last three digits on the back of my credit card, right?"
  • "Philip : I'll be paying by credit card, but is it ok if I settle my bill tomorrow morning?"
  • "Bruno : You don't take credit cards?"
  • "To reduce the risk of credit card fraud, we have recently updated our security system."

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