Traducción & Definición

a deal: un acuerdo, una transacción noun
We have a deal. Estamos de acuerdo.
to close a deal firmar un acuerdo, cerrar una negociación
to deal: repartir, dar verb

Este verbo es irregular:
I deal / I dealt / I have dealt
to deal with: encargarse de, ocuparse de verb
I will deal directly with the boss myself. Voy a tratar de solucionarlo directamente con mi jefe.


  • "Ok, you've got a deal!"
  • "Bruno and Harold Warbuckle will soon be celebrating a business deal over some cold Scotch and peanuts."
  • "I should really report you to the police, but I will take great pleasure in dealing with this matter personally."
  • "Marlene : Okay, I'll sign a deal."
  • "Not only did I lose the deal, but Stink ruined my favorite pair of pants."
  • "To help us better deal with your complaint, please choose from the following menu"
  • "Philip : Ok, open the door, let's see what we're dealing with here."
  • "You have got yourself a deal!"
  • "You dealt with minor setbacks like Luna DeLune's absurd claim that her LunaBot "had bad energy" (we checked the voltage, she was fine)."

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