Frantastique, de online cursus Frans is beoordeeld met een 4,6 / 5 door 90261 gebruikers.
4/5 Mihiro left a rating on 2025/02/05 for the episode "La maladie de Muriel"
5/5 Maryem left a rating on 2025/02/05 for the episode "Fifi, l'histoire d'une vie"
4/5 Elena left a rating on 2025/02/05 for the episode "Fausse dépêche : la guerre de l'espresso"
5/5 Oje left a rating on 2025/02/05 for the episode "L'heure de vérité"
3/5 Hiroo left a rating on 2025/02/05 for the episode "Muriel Petite tombe en panne"
5/5 Bejaoui left a rating on 2025/02/05 for the episode "Un nouveau musée pour la planète"
5/5 María left a rating on 2025/02/05 for the episode "Les 12 travaux de Gérard"
4/5 Ulla left a rating on 2025/02/05 for the episode "Les clés de la discorde"
5/5 LUIZ EUGÊNIO left a rating on 2025/02/05 for the episode "La tour Eiffel"
4/5 Michaela left a rating on 2025/02/05 for the episode "Flagrant délit"
4/5 Andres left a rating on 2025/02/05 for the episode "Voyage à Bruxelles"
5/5 Annamaria left a rating on 2025/02/05 for the episode "Une maladie mystérieuse"
5/5 Manuel left a rating on 2025/02/05 for the episode "La sécurité avant tout"
5/5 Francisca left a rating on 2025/02/05 for the episode "Victor veut prendre sa retraite"
5/5 Michael left a rating on 2025/02/05 for the episode "L’AIGF TV présente : Le Tour de France"
5/5 Stevie left a rating on 2025/02/05 for the episode "Thierry vs la banque : une sacrée opportunité"
4/5 Lorrane left a rating on 2025/02/05 for the episode "Il fera beau demain"
5/5 Irina left a rating on 2025/02/05 for the episode "Le supermarché"
5/5 Anders left a rating on 2025/02/05 for the episode "Tu dois me dire « vous »"
4/5 Christian left a rating on 2025/02/05 for the episode "Un moment historique"
5/5 Astrid left a rating on 2025/02/05 for the episode "Blanc sur rouge"
4/5 MOHAMED left a rating on 2025/02/05 for the episode "Les aventures de Fifi le caniche"
3/5 Brian left a rating on 2025/02/05 for the episode "L'AIGF TV présente : Aidez cet enfant"
4/5 Jutta left a rating on 2025/02/05 for the episode "Solange fait ses courses"
5/5 dorothea left a rating on 2025/02/05 for the episode "La maison de Victor Hugo"
5/5 David left a rating on 2025/02/05 for the episode "Plus de navette, plus de croquettes"
5/5 Peter left a rating on 2025/02/05 for the episode "Le stagiaire disparu"
4/5 Martin left a rating on 2025/02/05 for the episode "La montagne, ça vous gagne !"
5/5 Grant left a rating on 2025/02/05 for the episode "Robert De Neuro à la boulangerie"
5/5 Silvia left a rating on 2025/02/05 for the episode "La voisine de Victor "
4/5 Johanna left a rating on 2025/02/05 for the episode "Ma toute première pizza"
5/5 Donald left a rating on 2025/02/05 for the episode "Une visite à l'AIGF : les gaufres"
4/5 Magda left a rating on 2025/02/05 for the episode "Jeanine et Thierry partent en randonnée"
5/5 Paulo left a rating on 2025/02/05 for the episode "Fausse dépêche : crise démographique à Montréal"
4/5 Konstanze left a rating on 2025/02/05 for the episode "Un Louis pour assainir ses finances"
5/5 Martti left a rating on 2025/02/05 for the episode "Les voyages forment la jeunesse"
5/5 AYMANE left a rating on 2025/02/05 for the episode "Contre la misère"
5/5 Sabine left a rating on 2025/02/05 for the episode "À quoi sert l'amour ?"
1/5 John left a rating on 2025/02/05 for the episode "Jeanine a le trac"
5/5 Remo left a rating on 2025/02/05 for the episode "Jeanine cherche un mec"
4/5 André left a rating on 2025/02/05 for the episode "Thierry au ski"
5/5 Edwina left a rating on 2025/02/05 for the episode "Fenêtre sur cour"
4/5 Charlotte left a rating on 2025/02/05 for the episode "Victor cherche un appartement"
5/5 Daniel left a rating on 2025/02/05 for the episode "Il faut que tu sois là !"
5/5 Coşkun left a rating on 2025/02/05 for the episode "La montagne, ça vous gagne !"
5/5 Carsten left a rating on 2025/02/05 for the episode "Un combat difficile"
4/5 Natalie left a rating on 2025/02/05 for the episode "La maison de Victor Hugo"
5/5 Bob left a rating on 2025/02/05 for the episode "Patron, fais-moi peur !"
5/5 Victor left a rating on 2025/02/05 for the episode "L'horoscope"
5/5 Rachael left a rating on 2025/02/05 for the episode "Trinquer à la française"
5/5 Maria left a rating on 2025/02/05 for the episode "Tout le monde peut se tromper"
4/5 Pia left a rating on 2025/02/05 for the episode "Je peux prendre mon lundi ?"
4/5 Stefan left a rating on 2025/02/05 for the episode "Il y a comme un rhinocéros"
5/5 Emme left a rating on 2025/02/05 for the episode "À la recherche de Bossu II"
5/5 Elisabeth left a rating on 2025/02/05 for the episode "Avec ceci ?"
4/5 Anna Maria left a rating on 2025/02/05 for the episode "La double vie de Victor Hugo"
4/5 Alexander left a rating on 2025/02/05 for the episode "Jeanine, une collègue inconnue"
5/5 Rudolf left a rating on 2025/02/05 for the episode "L'expression express : laisser tomber"
5/5 Marco left a rating on 2025/02/05 for the episode "Tu me passes le sel ?"
5/5 Agnaldo left a rating on 2025/02/05 for the episode "La maison de Victor Hugo"
5/5 Tobias left a rating on 2025/02/05 for the episode "Il fera beau demain"
4/5 Venkat left a rating on 2025/02/05 for the episode "Sauver John Brown"
5/5 Marcelo left a rating on 2025/02/05 for the episode "La double vie de Victor Hugo"
5/5 Wala left a rating on 2025/02/05 for the episode "Du bon usage du français"
5/5 Hans Werner left a rating on 2025/02/05 for the episode "Une histoire de navette"
5/5 None left a rating on 2025/02/05 for the episode "À la recherche de Bossu II"
4/5 Elisabeth left a rating on 2025/02/05 for the episode "Planète francophone"
5/5 Paola Roberta left a rating on 2025/02/05 for the episode "L'as du volant"
4/5 Siri left a rating on 2025/02/05 for the episode "Allô allô ?"
2/5 Lyndall left a rating on 2025/02/05 for the episode "Coup sur coup : coup de soleil"
5/5 Valeria left a rating on 2025/02/05 for the episode "La double vie de Victor Hugo"
4/5 Michael left a rating on 2025/02/05 for the episode "La misère dans le métro"
5/5 Ulrike left a rating on 2025/02/05 for the episode "Victor cherche un appartement"
5/5 Norbert left a rating on 2025/02/05 for the episode "Ne réveillez pas le chat qui dort"
5/5 Emna left a rating on 2025/02/05 for the episode "Bossu le stagiaire"
5/5 Monika left a rating on 2025/02/05 for the episode "Tout le monde peut se tromper"
5/5 Ines left a rating on 2025/02/05 for the episode "Le 1er jour de Jeanine"
5/5 T left a rating on 2025/02/05 for the episode "L'horoscope"
5/5 Sven left a rating on 2025/02/05 for the episode "Radio gaufre : un accord historique"
5/5 Anna left a rating on 2025/02/05 for the episode "À la recherche de Bossu II"
5/5 Serhii left a rating on 2025/02/05 for the episode "Un Louis pour assainir ses finances"
4/5 Michael left a rating on 2025/02/05 for the episode "Fausse dépêche : un mauvais souvenir de voyage"
5/5 Irene left a rating on 2025/02/05 for the episode "Victor à la piscine"
5/5 Dominique left a rating on 2025/02/05 for the episode "Sauver John Brown"
4/5 Beate left a rating on 2025/02/05 for the episode "La dette de Marcel Grand"
5/5 Tony left a rating on 2025/02/05 for the episode "L'heure de vérité"
5/5 Elisângela left a rating on 2025/02/05 for the episode "Thierry au ski"
5/5 Elizabeth left a rating on 2025/02/05 for the episode "Sauver John Brown"
4/5 Stania left a rating on 2025/02/05 for the episode "Un trajet tragique"
5/5 Arij left a rating on 2025/02/05 for the episode "Fausse dépêche : scandale à Marseille"
4/5 David left a rating on 2025/02/05 for the episode "Poulet à la crapaudine"
4/5 Lori left a rating on 2025/02/05 for the episode "Fausse dépêche : un client enfin satisfait"
4/5 Iris left a rating on 2025/02/05 for the episode "Un chat aimable entre collègues"
5/5 Robert left a rating on 2025/02/05 for the episode "Les États-Unis d'Europe"
5/5 Claudia left a rating on 2025/02/05 for the episode "T'as pas une clope ?"
4/5 Jean left a rating on 2025/02/05 for the episode "Une visite à l'AIGF : les gaufres"
5/5 Florencia left a rating on 2025/02/05 for the episode "À la recherche de Bossu I"
4/5 Hans Michael left a rating on 2025/02/05 for the episode "En panne d'inspiration"
5/5 Veronika left a rating on 2025/02/05 for the episode "Les retrouvailles de Napoléon et Victor "
5/5 Jürgen left a rating on 2025/02/05 for the episode "Le coup de gueule de Victor"