Traducción & Definición

life: la vida noun
for life: de por vida, para toda la vida idiom

UK: She lived a life of luxury.
US: Doctors are trying to save the child's life.


  • "I've only crashed two planes in my life, there's nothing to worry about."
  • "Join us, as we discover life in the Parallel Funky Friday Universe Zone thing!"
  • "Tonight, with a bit of luck, I am going to record the secret lives of the rich and famous!"
  • "Horatio : Joan Wayne, you can't stay in this dirty, dusty Old West all your life."
  • "Horse : (thinking) I hate my life."
  • "Philip : It's the life we've chosen, Harold."
  • "One of Philip's closest colleagues, and least close friends, Brian Jones, will now say a few words about Philip's life."
  • "Life is like a river, flowing down a long mountain."
  • "Everybody has a passion in life, and yours just happens to be perfumes."
  • "There comes a time in every man's life when he has to defend himself in a fight to the death."

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