Traducción & Definición

a message: un mensaje noun

UK: I'm sorry, Dr. Peter Venkman isn't here. Can I take a message?
US: A text message is a good way to give someone bad news.


  • "Can I check my messages?"
  • "Fisherman : Oh my goodness, all those messages!"
  • "Bruno : Do you have a message for the people of Earth?"
  • "If everything is working correctly, this message should arrive in your Inbox, and not the Junk mail folder."
  • "I have tattooed the following message on the small of my back"
  • "Bruno's message"
  • "He's got an important message for you."
  • "Messages in bottles are not the most reliable form of correspondence, but as my camp is patrolled by French guards, there is no shortage of empty wine bottles."
  • "You have got to change that ridiculous message."
  • "Please leave your name, number and a detailed message and I'll get back to you as soon as possible."

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