Traducción & Definición

war: guerra noun


  • "Bartender : That's fine if you want to vote, or drive, or go to war, but drinking is more serious than those things."
  • "WAR...ner Brothers announces the release of a film about hamsters!"
  • ""The May Day protesters are calling for a reform of the US immigration policy, universal health care, improved workers' rights and an end to all wars instigated by the US."
  • "The General made war, but Rainbow Child makes love."
  • "Brian : Probably not... I don't enjoy nuclear war as much as I used to."
  • "Edward : Let's go to war with everyone!"
  • "For one thing, there are no wars, no global warming, and no diseases."
  • "I've got two tickets to see Swan Lake performed by the San Francisco Ballet at the War Memorial Opera House this Saturday evening."

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