Übersetzung & Definition

to arrive (at the airport, in China): ankommen (am Flughafen, in China) verb
to arrive at (an agreement, a decision): zu (einer Vereinbarung, einer Entscheidung) gelangen verb
Note: In English, the verb "to arrive" is generally used to describe reaching a destination. The figurative sense of "succeeding" at something is less common. To reach an agreement and to reach a decision are more natural constructions.


  • "7.15AM - Arrive at meeting room to see Willy the security guard leaving."
  • "The victim, American Joan Wayne, arrived at the beach at approximately 13:30 with friends, Sydney and Opera Smith and ethnically ambiguous travel agent Horatio Oléré."
  • "Your flight leaves SFO at 7:25 tonight and you arrive in Boston at 1:52 tomorrow morning."
  • "You just have to arrive at 3am for hair and make-up."
  • "Not one check has arrived yet!"
  • "The fog greatly obscured visibility and quite frankly, it's a miracle we arrived safely."
  • "You've been plotting to kill him ever since you arrived here!"
  • "Narrator : Finally, the moment of truth has arrived."
  • "When we arrived in Paris, he took me to a restaurant in the Latin quarter for a romantic dinner."
  • "Bruno : Dr. Gilchrist, I arrived as soon as I could."

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