Übersetzung & Definition

(an) artistic (quality): (eine) künstlerische, artistische (Eigenschaft) adjective


  • "The atrium has a modern design, with a glass and steel roof which is both simple and artistic."
  • "You're not artistic and you have no integrity!"
  • "Montmartre Musk from Delavigne is full of artistic flair, vibrance and creativity, it's colourful and romantic, yet fascinating and complex."
  • "You know, horror is the only genre left that can lay claim to any pretense of artistic relevance in this day and age."
  • "But beyond its artistic mission, the gallery is clearly a provocative advertisement for the perfume company."
  • "Moira : Well Belinda, if you think that a crazy vagabond on the bus is an artistic genius, then you'd have to consider Brent as a modern day Van Gogh."

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