Übersetzung & Definition
an asset: ein Vorteil, ein Vorzug, ein Gewinn
Susie's marketing skills are a huge asset to the company. Susies Marketingkenntnisse sind ein Riesengewinn für die Firma.
Michael Jordan was easily the biggest asset to the Chicago team. Michael Jordan war bei Weitem der größte Trumpf des Chicago-Teams.
an asset (accounting term): ein Vermögenswert, ein Kapital, ein Aktivposten (Rechnungswesen)
Our fixed assets totaled 3 million dollars last year. Unser Anlagevermögen belief sich letztes Jahr auf drei Millionen Dollar.
Bruno Delavigne always keeps track of his liquid assets. Bruno Delavigne hält immer sein flüssiges Kapital im Auge.
We must find a way to consolidate our assets. Wir müssen einen Weg finden, unser Kapital zu konsolidieren.
Pronunciation examples
UK: You are a big asset to the company, so you have been given a pay rise.
US: My wife wants me to consolidate my assets.
- "Our profits have increased each year that Philip has worked here, and he is a tremendous asset to the company-"
- "He is perhaps the company's greatest asset."
- "My expertise is managing diverse personalities, and I believe this would be a major asset to a company such as Delavigne."
- "Icarus : I mean, stress could actually be an asset to this company if we learn how to channel all of our fight or flight hormones, rather than letting them build up and damage our brain cells!"
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