Übersetzung & Definition

a camel: ein Kamel noun


  • "Samantha : If I may, sir, camels are amazing animals, and I am currently in a serious relationship with one, but there is no way that a camel could replace a human being at a highly skilled office job!"
  • "Krazy Gidyeon : And if you come with Krazy Gidyeon, we can go to my camel farm in Norway, make camel yogurt and dance to disco music."
  • "A camel!"
  • "Samantha : If I may, sir, camels are amazing animals, and I am currently in a serious relationship with one, but there is no way that a camel could replace a human being at a highly skilled office job!"
  • "You say that you lost your job to a camel?"
  • "I love camels."
  • "Brian : You know Sheeba the camel?"
  • "And now, without further ado, I'd like to present tonight's main event - our expert camel panel, who will answer all your questions about our favorite mammal, the camel."
  • "My name is Brian Jones and I recently lost my job... to a camel!"

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