Übersetzung & Definition

(-What is) the capital (of Brunei? -Bandar Seri Begawan!): (-Wie heißt) die Hauptstadt (von Brunei? -Bandar Seri Begawan!) noun
(to invest) capital: Kapital (investieren) noun


  • "Wellington, the capital, is attracting a lot of foreign investment these days."
  • "Ms. Lohan already sits on our board of trustees, however she is considering investing a large amount of capital in the company, which would allow us to finally purchase the island zoo that Horatio keeps asking for."
  • "The capital of the state of New York is Albany."
  • "Ms. Lohan already sits on our board of trustees, however she is considering investing a large amount of capital in the company, which would allow us to finally purchase the island zoo that everyone keeps asking about."
  • "Australia's population is about 22 million, and our capital city is Canberra."
  • "Brent : Ok, ok, what's the capital of the state of New York?"
  • "We have a North Island and a South Island, our population is around 4.3 million, and our capital city is Wellington."
  • "First question: What's the capital of Denmark?"
  • "So, how you should travel to the city of lights / the capital of romance / the Paris of, well, France?"

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