Übersetzung & Definition

a change: eine Änderung, ein Wechsel, eine Veränderung noun
to change: ändern, verändern, wechseln verb
(Do you have any) change?: (Haben Sie) Wechselgeld? noun


  • "Brian : It's changing colour!"
  • "Narrator : Chief Financial Officer Icarus Quincy explains the changes that have been implemented in the Accounts department."
  • "Bruno : Some of our human employees are finding it hard to adapt to these changes, but they understand that our animal friends are welcome."
  • "Founder and CEO Harold Percy Warbuckle is the driving force behind these changes, and realizes that in today's world, governments don't effect change, billionaires do."
  • "Founder and CEO Harold Percy Warbuckle is the driving force behind these changes, and realizes that in today's world, governments don't effect change, billionaires do."
  • "The following winter however, Bruno suffered an unfortunate accident that would change his life forever."
  • "The following winter however, Bruno suffered an unfortunate accident which would change the course of his destiny."
  • "Horatio : You need a change of lifestyle."
  • "I've got to tell you the secret that will change the future of this company forever."
  • "Xavier : Now, Bruno, many things have changed since I exploded."

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