Übersetzung & Definition
a climb: eine Kletterei, ein Aufstieg
It's a bit of a climb to get to the castle. Es ist ein bisschen ein Aufstieg, um zum Schloss zu gelangen.
to climb (up): (rauf)klettern
She climbed to the top of the tree. Sie kletterte bis zum Wipfel des Baumes.
to go rock climbing (or to rock climb): klettern gehen
Pronunciation examples
UK: It's a bit of a climb to get to the castle.
US: It was quite a climb to get to your castle.
- "Bruno : Ah... So this part at the end - that climbs - it must mean that our share price will recover!"
- "In fact he's climbing up the tree again."
- "Bruno : Friday I'm going rock climbing with some Japanese businessmen."
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