Übersetzung & Definition

to come by (your house): (bei dir) vorbeikommen verb
I wanted to come by and see you this afternoon. Ich wollte bei dir heute Nachmittag vorbeikommen um dich zu besuchen.


  • "Why don't I come by and do an on-site inspection of the machine to determine if it is a worthwhile expenditure?"
  • "Bob : Didn't Polly tell you I was coming by?"
  • "I'm sure you are already aware of this, but our efficiency expert, Miss Fiona Stake, will be coming by your office Monday morning to begin her review."
  • "I'm supposed to be coming by your offices next Wednesday to begin my review."
  • "No problem. I will come by in the afternoon maybe?"
  • "Can I come by and pick them up this afternoon?"
  • "So please find time to come by my office no later than Thursday, because I'm taking Friday off."
  • "Susie loves it when I come by for my little chats, right, Mamacita?"
  • "I just wanted to warn you that our efficiency expert, Miss Fiona Stake, will be coming by to perform an on-site inspection of your office this Thursday."
  • "I'll tell you what, if you have some time this afternoon, I could come by your office and pick you up."

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