Übersetzung & Definition

a competitor: ein(e) Konkurrent(in), ein(e) Wettbewerber(in) noun
to compete with in Konkurrenz sein mit, jemandem Konkurrenz machen, gegen jemanden antreten
the competition (in this market): die Konkurrenz (auf dem Markt) noun
a competition: ein Wettbewerb, ein Wettkampf noun

UK: This company is our main competitor.
US: There's a lot of competition for this job.


  • "Despite gloomy financial forecasts for its competitors, the perfume giant is set to have one of their most successful Christmases ever with sales up 15% since this time last year."
  • "Before we get started, I'd like to remind you that tomorrow's activities include camel boxing, camel racing, and of course the camel swimsuit competition!"
  • "It was a tough competition, but Mr Oleré eventually outclassed his canine competitors by using his human brain to his advantage."
  • "We will eat, eat, eat the competition"
  • "We're going to have an accent competition at the Delavigne Corporation head office!"
  • "It was a tough competition, but Mr Oleré eventually outclassed his canine competitors by using his human brain to his advantage."
  • "Smelling Competition"
  • "I guarantee you that with a bit of careful management, both the Sydney and the Wellington teams will enjoy some healthy competition."
  • "Mr. Delavigne, staying at a fancy hotel and not at the Olympic village, was the only surviving competitor."
  • "Icarus Quincy (USA) was disqualified from the Having fun competition for blood doping."

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