Übersetzung & Definition

a consumer: ein Konsument, ein Verbraucher noun
The studies show consumers of Coca-Cola are happy with the product. Die Studien zeigen, dass die Konsumenten von Coca-Cola mit dem Produkt sehr zufrieden sind.
Consumer Price Index (CPI) Verbraucherpreisindex (VPI)
consumer demand die Nachfrage der Verbraucher
consumer brand Marke für die breite Öffentlichkeit
to consume: konsumieren, verbrauchen verb


  • "The party proceeded to barbecue sausages and prawns on the beach, and consume moderate amounts of beer (300-400 cans)."
  • "Neither should be mentioned or consumed in her presence."
  • "Ms. Benedict, most reports say that the economy is slowing down, and that this will have a negative effect on consumer spending."
  • "The party proceeded to barbecue multiple sausages and prawns on the beach, and consume moderate amounts of beer (300-400 cans)."
  • "He was a good worker but he needed to consume food and water regularly, which slowed me down."
  • "Of the many trendy movements gaining popularity within elitist circles, the "local food" movement may have the most momentum. The term describes the growing preference of some consumers to eat only locally or regionally-produced food rather than food which has traveled great distances before arriving on their plate."
  • "Drug pusher and consumer of alcohol and perfumes"
  • "A lot of this is due to anxiety over the downturn in the economy and its effect on consumer spending."
  • "With energy prices high, consumers are also reluctant to make costly trips to the shopping mall."
  • "Since then, great auntie Margaret has contacted Trading Standards (the consumer protection agency), but we don't know if she'll ever get her money back."

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