Übersetzung & Definition

a direction: eine Richtung, eine Anweisung noun


  • "You're not pointing in any direction."
  • "The past few weeks have been a very difficult time for me as I considered the direction of my career and whether I should stay with the company where I have worked happily for the last seven years."
  • "Tickets and directions are enclosed."
  • "This will be followed by our customary round-table discussion, where everyone will have a chance to go over this year's figures and talk about the direction in which the company is moving."
  • "Bruno : It's true that our current methods are cost-effective, but if we're risking the type of negative exposure and financial risk that Susie warns against, I assure you that we will go in a different direction."
  • "Hopefully, you'll find some much-needed perspective on the direction you've taken professionally."
  • "Excuse me mister, can you give us directions?"
  • "He deduces the direction in which it must have fled."
  • "There's a multiple vehicle collision blocking traffic in both directions right now."

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